Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dental, as the name suggests, is all about saving you money in the long run. At a minimum we recommend two dental preventive care appointments per year, and for less than a dollar a day over the course of the year, it's the best investment you will make all year. With routine preventive care appointments, we can detect and treat any issues early and with minimal time and effort.

A dental examination is sometimes referred to as a simple dental 'check-up'. However, it's value should not be underestimated. Regular examinations allow our experienced dental team to track your oral health over time and pick up changes to your teeth early on, allowing us to treat them quickly and in most cases, far less invasively and cheaper. Our comprehensive exams cover all aspects of your whole mouth, teeth and gums, general muscle and bone structure. We recommend you come see our dental team every 6 months for your routine 'check-up'.
Do you have questions about how to maintain great oral health? Our oral health therapists can help you get your mouth looking great, feeling great and smelling great. We can help go through with you which good oral hygiene techniques to use, as well as detecting areas of your mouth which you may inadvertently be neglecting. Remember good oral health and hygiene is more than just preventing bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay, it can also help reduce risks of other health problems throughout the body.
Sometimes scratching the surface isn’t enough to allow us to get the complete picture of your oral health. That’s why, each of our rooms is setup to take digital dental x-rays of your teeth. This allows our dental team to get the complete picture of your oral health, allowing them to identify, diagnose and treat any potential issues that aren’t immediately visible to the eye. Naturally dental x-rays won’t be required on every visit, however, can be invaluable to locate the source of any pain.
While you may not have heard of its medical name, halitosis, we are arguably all familiar with ‘bad breath’. It is an embarrassing hygiene issue that most of the population will have at some point. With a very diverse set of factors that can cause bad breath, there is not just one treatment for it. Our dental team understands that bad breath can be a very sensitive topic for suffer from halitosis and we will work with patients respectfully, to treat the causes quickly and affordably.
Fluoride is a natural mineral which helps build strong teeth and prevent dental cavities. It can be found in many sources of food and water and helps remineralise the enamel layer on teeth. It’s use in dental care goes back decades. Our dentists and hygienist can provide a fluoride treatment for you, which can be particularly helpful in maintaining good oral health if you are at risk of developing dental caries, or cavities.
Sometimes all you need is some professional teeth cleaning to get your mouth feeling minty fresh and looking great. Our dental hygienists and oral health therapists are well equipped to help you with your 'scale and clean', to remove any build up of plaque and tartar on your teeth. Our dental professionals will pay particular attention to your gum line and inbetween your teeth, to help prevent dental cavities to maintain excellent oral health.